I really should save that title for a diatribe against today's inane "worship" music in churches. But it is a quote from the article you're about to read, so I'll use it now.
Anthony Esolen is a professor of English at Providence College in Rhode Island. He was interviewed on the subject of true masculinity (manhood), and I find his thoughts to be not only provocative, but also much healthier than those of John Eldredge (whose Wild at Heart book I despise, as you no doubt already know). Instead of self-indulgent narcissism and the pursuit of vapid "dreams," Esolen speaks of self-sacrifice, the refusal to let feelings turn one from duty, and serving others by leading them or by following loyally. He also encourages us to take another look at the maleness and the leadership qualities of Jesus. And more. You can read the article here. Enjoy.
Dennis read the article--I printed it for him--and said it was 200 times more interesting and believable than what little he read of "Wild at Heart".