David posted his favorite books for 2008, so I guess I may as well do the same.
First, here are all the books I read last year, listed alphabetically by author. This doesn't include newspapers, magazines, or restroom graffiti:
- Anonymous - The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way
- Bauby, Jean-Dominique - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- Brother Lawrence - The Practice of the Presence of God
- Bruce, A.B. - The Training of the Twelve
- Coleman, Robert - Des Meisters Plan der Evangelisation
- Coleman, Robert - The Master Plan of Evangelism (3rd? 4th? reading)
- Coupland, Douglas - All Families are Psychotic
- Dorsett, Lyle - A Love Observed: Joy Davidman's Life & Marriage to C.S. Lewis
- D'Souza, Tony - Whiteman
- Gaines, James - Evening in the Palace of Reason: Bach Meets Frederick the Great in the Age of Enlightenment
- Gresham, Douglas - Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis
- Harris, Robert - Enigma
- Harris, Robert - Fatherland
- Henry, Marguerite - White Stallion of Lipizza
- Hopko, Thomas - Christian Faith And Same Sex Attraction: Eastern Orthodox Reflections
- Iweala, Uzodinma - Beasts of No Nation
- Kolakowski, Leszek - Metaphysical Horror
- Neighbour, Randall - A Pocket Guide to Coaching Small Groups
- Lewis, C.S. - A Grief Observed (2nd reading)
- Lewis, C.S. - The Problem of Pain
- Long, Jimmy - Emerging Hope: A Strategy for Reaching Postmodern Generations
- Machiavelli, Niccolo - The Prince
- Nouwen, Henri - Beloved
- Nouwen, Henri - Can You Drink the Cup?
- Nouwen, Henri - In the Name of Jesus
- Pollan, Michael - In Defense of Food
- Reich, Christopher - Rules of Deception
- Rice, Anne - Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt
- Rice, Anne - Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana
- Richards, Jay (ed.) - Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition
- Robinson, Marilynne - Gilead
- Salinger, J.D. - Franny and Zooey
- Sayer, George - Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis
- Scazzero, Peter - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
- Skinner, Betty Lee - With Integrity of Heart and Skillful Hand
- Tarnas, Richard - The Passion of the Western Mind (2nd reading)
- Thigpen, Paul (ed.) - My Daily Catholic Bible: Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition 20-Minute Daily Readings
9,441 pages. Seems like I ought to be a lot smarter, wiser, and more Godly than I am after all that. What's that verse about always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth?
In any case, here are my five favorites. I won't call them "best," because a book might be "best" for a particular purpose, but still not my favorite. And I won't include the Bible, because it's the obvious best and favorite. Of the 36 that remain, my faves as of this particular moment are:
- #6 Coleman - A classic is a classic is a classic. Profound principles in a compact package.
- #21 Long - Super insights into pomo people and times, and how to minister in this culture.
- #28-29 Rice - Miraculously uncheesy imaginings about the days of Jesus before his ministry.
- #31 Robinson - Transcendently beautiful Pulitzer-prize winning novel of forgiveness and transformation.
- #36 Tarnas - A history of philosophy that reads like a novel and makes sense of the mess.
Thanks for the list. That's a lot of books, especially because I know you probably read an equal amount in newspapers and magazines.
ReplyDeleteA few observations/questions:
1. You really DO like Nouwen
2. So, was the Diving Bell book the autobiography he was "writing" in the movie? Either way, that story is incredible.
3. That's funny that you read Coleman's book in German.
4. Is Tony related to Dinesh?
5. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Scazzero's book.
1. Nouwen's books are so short that 3 of them barely add up to 1 by anyone else. Plus, he seems to show up a lot at my local library sale, so that's why I read so many.
ReplyDelete2. Yes. One reason I don't go to too many movies is that they often send me off to read related books. That's what happened here, but this is a short book ... about the length of a Nouwen.
3. I read it while on my trip to Vienna. You do get a different perspective when reading a different language ... kind of like reading different English translations of the Bible.
It's funny that you think it funny. It shows the inherent weakness of our educational system. At one time, college-educated people routinely read books in other languages, didn't they? (Or do I take college professors to be the norm, rather than their alumni?)
4. I don't know. The book is semi-autobiographical, and the author is very clearly not pursuing Christ. If they are brothers, it may be something like the Hitchens siblings.
5. We can talk about it. I really need to review it to figure out what I think about it, even though I read it recently. It was recommended to me and given to me, and I know a lot of people are reading it. I'm having a little trouble connecting the front of the book with the back of the book, and I'm having trouble connecting the recommendation to practice the Daily Office with the realities of my daily life. But as I said, I need to give it another look-see.