Monday, September 17, 2007

Mother Teresa, Part 3 had a writeup about Time Magazine's Mother Teresa article. Their posting was fine, but the readers' comments to the posting were particularly good. Check it all out here.
If you don't want to read all 23 comments, and you trust my judgment, you can just read #3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21.

The indications of her struggles with spiritual doubt and aridity are truly valuable and even inspirational. In a world of overweight “prophets” who prance the stages of high-tech evangelical superchurches shouting fundamentalist doctrine, or pompously robed automatons droning liturgical rite to snoozing masses, Teresa’s practice of the hard-core Christian Gospel remains an absolute beacon in the murk.

If her inner-faith had been marked by constant, rapturous encounters and visions in some cloister, how could she have ever torn herself away to care for the poorest of the poor? Therein lies both the heartache and the ineffable beauty of Teresa’s spiritual journey.

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