I was filling out an on-line questionnaire from a London arts center the other day. I haven't been to Britain for a few years, but I bought my concert ticket on-line, so they still had my contact info.
When I got to the end of the questionnaire, they asked the usual demographic questions about age, race, and the like. But I was taken aback somewhat by the list of ethnicity choices. It says something interesting about the difference between Britain and the U.S.
Here's the list:
Which ethnic group would you describe yourself as being in?
- White British
- White Irish
- White Other
- White & Black Caribbean
- White & Black African
- White & Asian
- Other mixed background
- Asian British
- Indian
- Pakistani
- Bangladeshi
- Other Asian background
- Black British
- Black Caribbean
- Black African
- Other Black background
- Chinese
- Other ethnic group
- Prefer not to say
For the first time ever when filling out a questionnaire, I didn't know what race I was. I finally settled on "White Other," which seemingly could leave me Hispanic, Icelandic, or Italian.
Welcome to my world, where no one can tell what I am and checking only one box is ridiculous.